Portsmouth, VA.
The Green Party of Virginia is pleased to announce that it has nominated Joe Galdo for Congress in Virginia's 11th District. Galdo accepted the nomination earlier last week and will be representing the Green Party on the ballot this November. His candidacy means that voters in Virginia's 11th District will have an option at the polls for a candidate that puts the interests of people before partisan politics.
Joe Galdo has been involved with the Northern Virginia Greens since 2011 and previously ran for Congress in 2012. His campaign was motivated by the crippling gridlock in Washington. "I decided to run again in 2014 because little has changed," he said. "Too many important issues - income inequality, high unemployment, immigration reform, the erosion of due process and the Bill of Rights, an out-of-control national debt, to name just a few - were not being addressed." Galdo hopes to provide voters in the 11th District with an alternative viewpoint, one which places the needs of the people over the greed of special interest groups. His platform includes an improved focus on the development of renewable energy, reversing the trend of domestic surveillance, and implementing a tax policy that closes the loopholes for wealthy taxpayers and corporations while reducing the burden on small businesses.
Galdo insists that "quality of life, and not GDP, is the real measure of the nation's health" and supports an increased investment in education, preserving the social safety net, and ensuring the retiree benefits promised to our nation's military servicemen and women. The Green Party of Virginia believes that meaningful choices on the ballot are essential to a healthy democracy. Joe Galdo's campaign presents an ambitious alternative to the status quo. The Green Party of Virginia is proud to support Galdo's vision and encourages voters to join us in putting "People First" this November.
To learn more about Joe Galdo's campaign, to volunteer, or to contribute, please visit his website at http://www.joegaldo.com.
Additional information on the Virginia Green Party can be found at: http://vagreenparty.org/
Additional information on the Green Party of the United States can be found at: http://www.gp.org
Contact GPVA Press Secretary: Ryan Ruff